Terms Of Service


Eazychecks.com is a U.S. based, financial services company, providing e-check processing to business clients making it easier to invoice their customers in order to receive fast and easy payments. Eazychecks.com is solely owned and operated by: Eazy Checks, LLC. We maintain and operate this website for the benefit of our visitors and customers.


These Terms of Use and of Service apply to anyone who accesses, uses, or visits our website. Under provisions of this Agreement, “Our”, “Us”, or “Company” means Eazychecks.com, and “You” or “Your” applies to any customer, client, or visitor. We grant visitors and users a limited, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable license to view, display, and access our website and it’s content for their personal use. Users and visitors may not use any content, including but not limited to: code; programming; text; pictures; illustrations; files; or any other information located within or on our website except as provided herein. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Under terms of this agreement, you may not use our website, links, or content for any commercial purpose, nor may you attempt to disable any portion of our website. You understand that you cannot use or display our website or link in a way that allows others to believe that we have a special partnership ore relationship with you or that we endorse or agree with your website and services.

You may not use our website or link on any website that disparages our company or services, or display our website link that redirects our link and services to other websites.


When client’s register for an account, they will be asked to supply information and confirmation such as: company name; contact person; address; phone; and an email address. This information is collected by our company in order to know our customer, and to verify their identity and login information. As a result, it is important that we have accurate contact information. Clients promise that they are providing our company with complete contact information such as their company name, address, email address, as well as login information. Failure to provide correct or accurate information could be construed as a breach of this Agreement. When opening an account, the user represents and warrants that: 1. They are over the age of eighteen (18); 2. They are legally authorized to open an account for the company or third party they are representing; and 3. All information provided is true, accurate, and complete. Any user or client that submits false or misleading information at any time is subject to having their account automatically terminated.


Although we use up-to-date and state-of-the-art technology, it is ultimately the customer’s responsibility to keep their contact information up to date, as well as keeping their login details confidential and private. We allow our clients to open and register multiple accounts, but we recommend that each customer limit account registration to (2) two accounts as well as limiting the number of persons accessing the account within their business to maintain customer confidentiality. If at any time you believe that your account security has been breached; or there is unauthorized activity on your account, you must contact our customer support in writing, immediately through our Ticketing System located within your account. If you have experienced a security breach, please mark the message as “Urgent” putting our security detail on notice to resolve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Users and customers understand and agree that we have certain rules that must be followed when opening a new account: 1. You may not open an account for any person or third party without that person’s consent; 2. You may not access or implement a user name that belongs to a third party for impersonation purposes; 3. You may not access or use any account without the account owner’s consent or permission; and 4. You may not implement, create, or use any username that would be considered rude, vulgar, or socially unacceptable.


Our company reserves the right terminate access to a portion or all of our website at any time. In the event that we terminate access to the website or services, especially due to a force majeure event, you understand that you may not be able to login to your account or access account information. If there is a force majeure event, we will post updates upon our website with notices and effective dates. Customers can terminate or cancel their account at any time by accessing their account settings and requesting cancellation. Our customer service department will be notified immediately of the cancellation. You understand and agree that you accept all financial, personal, and/or corporate responsibility for any and all outstanding balances, invoices, or payments due and owing on your account at the time of cancellation or termination. Please note: Some clauses found within our Terms of Service shall survive termination or cancellation, including but not limited to: licensing; limited liability; disputes; and choice of law provisions.


Customers have (72) hours from the time that they establish an account to terminate or cancel their service in order to receive a full refund, providing the customer has not used or implemented any of the services provided through our website and company. Once the (72) hour grace period has expired, customers may request a refund if they have not accessed and used any of our e-check services. No refunds will be issued after (1) months from the establishment of the customer’s account. In the event of a billing dispute or error, customers should notice our customer service department by opening a support ticket through their account menu. Customers must notify us of a billing error or dispute within (30) days of the occurrence of the error/dispute or will have waived their right to dispute or question the error. Billing disputes and errors will be investigated by our customer support team on a case-by-case basis and refunds issued accordingly. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for our customer service department to conduct an investigation and issue a refund.


Customers and users are expected to access and/or use our website and services or any and all lawful purposes. We expect all users of our services to act in a professional and business-like manner. This includes without limitation, abiding by all applicable local, state, or federal laws when representing a business; or any rules or regulations applicable to your specific industry. Obscenity, bullying, and/or harassment is unacceptable. Customers and users may not allow any unauthorized third party to access or otherwise use their account; or our website. You warrant not to take any action that would impose a large load upon or interfere with our infrastructure. Nor may you attempt to by-pass our security measures; crawl, spider, or data-mine our website; modify or adapt any portion of our website, it’s programming or code; upload trojan worms, malware, or any code, programming or software that would damage our website, resources, or that of our clients; or attempt to exploit our website or our services for any commercial, or improper purpose.


Our website may allow you to click a link that will take you to other websites or resources. You understand that if we implement third party links and banner ads, you access these websites at your own risk. We have no control over a third party website, and have not read their terms of service or privacy policy. Therefore you access these websites at your own risk. You understand and agree that we have no liability whatsoever for any of the content, products, or services located on third party websites.


You understand and agree that we do not have a special relationship or fiduciary duty to you. You also understand that our company has no control over who accesses our website, or who access your account. Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to take action steps to control who access their account, or uses our website and services. As a result, you agree to release our company; directors; owners; employees; agents; and representatives; from any liability when accessing our website; your account; or our services. Also, we do not make any warranty regarding our website’s content or accessibility. We do not guarantee or warrant that the content found in and on our website will be error free or accurate at all times. You agree to release us from all liability relating to your connection and relationship with your own customers and/or clients.

You understand and agree that our products and services are provided “as is” which you access at your own risk. No specific warranty is offered of any kind, including but not limited to: the implied warranty of fitness for a specific purpose; express or implied warranty; merchantability; any any warranty that might be implied under commerce or trade. Our company reserves the right to: read, review, and disclose information on our website at any time that we believe is necessary to: comply with local laws and regulations; provide notices to our customers; enforce our Terms of Use; prevent, detect, or investigate potential instances of fraud, security breaches, or technical issues; as well as protecting our rights, including but not limited to our rights and interest in our intellectual property.


You agree to indemnify us; our company; directors; owners; employees; agents; and representatives; harmless from any and all unforeseen third party claims, losses, costs, or damages, that might arise from this Agreement, or relate to your use or misuse of, or access to, our company’s website or services.


You understand and agree that at no time shall our company, directors, owners, employees, agents, or representatives be liable under this agreement nor under any: tort, strict liability, negligence, or any other liability in respect to our company’s website, links or services for any indirect or consequential damages; loss of data; death; personal injury; fraud; theft; criminal activity; breach; and/or loss of revenue.


In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to attempt to resolve the dispute in a professional and amicable manner. If we are unable to resolve the dispute in a reasonable time, then we both agree to use mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Method. Both parties agree to the mutual choice and cost of a Mediator that is located in: Florida, United States. Only after the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through mediation may they then consider arbitration or litigation, and the disputing party must serve written notice to the non-disputing party within (30) days after the Mediator has issued his final opinion or award. The parties agree that the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of legal fees and costs, including but not limited to attorney’s fees.


These Terms govern our relationship and supersede any other communication, proposal, or offer that was shared between us. If any clause contained within our Terms of Service is found to be unenforceable or invalid, then that clause or portion will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so our Terms of Use and Service will have full force and effect of law. Force Majeure. You understand and agree that we are not liable for any failure to perform due to “Acts of God” or circumstances beyond our control. This includes and is not limited to: weather; insurrection; violence; vandalism; as well as mechanical or electronic failures. In the event of a force majeure event, we will upload a notice on our website where possible, and will notify customers when services will be restarted. Assignment/Transfer. You understand and agree that you are not permitted to assign; transfer; or sublicense your duties and responsibilities under this agreement without our prior written consent. Relationship. You acknowledge and warrant that this agreement does not create an agency, partnership, or joint venture between us, nor are you granted any authority or right to bind our company in any manner whatsoever. Notices. Any notices which must be provided under these Terms, shall be in writing, and will be considered to have been delivered upon receipt. If we have sent you a notice via personal delivery or via the U.S.P.S., then receipt shall be electronically confirmed upon delivery.


These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of Florida, excluding its conflicts of law rules, and the United States of America.


You may contact Eazychecks.com via a Support Ticket through your account settings, or you can email us at: Email: hello@eazychecks.com