Privacy Policy

As a service oriented company, we’re aware that our customers’ privacy is an extremely important factor, which is why we have implemented a number of measures to protect your account information and personal security. We also want our customers to know: what information we collect; how it is collected; and with whom we share that information. These details and more are outlined in this agreement, which is our Privacy Policy. Please note: Our Privacy Policy supplements our Terms of Service, which can also be found on our website by following this here. Under the terms of this Agreement, you should know that “Agreement” is synonymous with Privacy Policy; “User” has the same meaning as customer or client; and is synonymous with “Company”, “Us”, or “Our”. We ask that you please read this agreement since is governs our business relationship, and if after reading these terms you do not consent to this Agreement, please do not access or otherwise use our website, products, or services. If you are under the age of eighteen (18), we also ask that you do not access or use our website or services.

WHO WE ARE is a U.S. based, financial services company, providing e-check processing to business clients making it easier to invoice their customers in order to receive fast and easy payments.


When you open an account with our company, we collect your: business name; contact name; address; phone; and email. This information is used to not only create your account, but also verify account security such as login data, when authorized users access the account.


Although we use cookies for analytical and marketing data as well as making it easier for you to login to your account, we do not collect any specific personal data about you through cookies. A ‘cookie’ is nothing more than a program stored within your browser that allows businesses to track a customer’s viewing habits or how they access a website. If at any time you wish to no longer use cookies, then you can change your browser’s security settings, but this may affect how you view not only our website, but other websites as well.


We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time. If and when we do change our Privacy Policy, we will notify you through updates posted on our website. Any Privacy Policy update will also include an effective date. Customers and Visitors who voluntarily continue to use the website after changes are implemented, are giving us their consent and agreement to those changes.


As part of our commitment to you, we promise never to sell; transfer; or assign your personal information to a third party. If for some reason this policy changes in the future, we will let you know giving you the opportunity to opt out of that policy. For right now, all information we collect from you through our website remains the property of our company, and is not shared nor sold to anyone.


Our Privacy Policy only applies to data that we collect, and you voluntarily provide online, through our website. We may also collect information from our customers through other sources such as: polls; telephone calls; or surveys. We want you to know that any collected information is always kept in a secure environment by our company.


Our company has implemented up-to-date security technology in order to protect your identity and information, including but not limited to using advanced encryption technology. All personal data is securely stored on private servers, which is accessed solely by our company employees. If at any time you believe your account security has been compromised, please contact us immediately in writing via email at: _________________, so that we can take steps to investigate a potential breach, and stop any security leaks.


If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy Agreement, or would like to send us a comment, you may contact our company in writing via email, at the address shown below.